April 30, 2013

  • Orthodox?

    Studying history of Christ’s influence is fascinating. One of the things caught my curiosity this week was Orthodoxy and liberalism. Today if someone is liberal you can bet chances are they are mostly antagonistic to the gospel and as for Orthodox- Oh well.  Historically it was the ” liberals” who questioned and innovated and the Orthodox who maintained tradition both can be extremely evil when separated from the Spirit of the Lord.

    So my question is what do you think Orthodox or liberal and how does this play out in your life?

Comments (2)

  • First lets level the playing field — Orthodox now holds to traditions of men as on the par with Scripture. The two largest “Orthodox” branches of Christianity would be Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy, both of which abandoned truth centuries ago. With Greek Orthodox it’s mere ritual and tradition, with Roman Catholicism it’s mere ritual and tradition. I love this quote from a person I respect —- The more ritual a religion has, the more it’s trying to cover up a serious lack of truth.

    Second lets look at Liberalism — modern liberalism rejects miracles, rejects the authority of Scripture, often rejects the deity of Christ…. in short, though claiming the “name” of Christianity, they more often than not deny every aspect of Christianity that would make Christianity unique.

    Now, that said…. you want me to pick between these two?

    I’ll go with Evangelical Fundamentalist, at least there I know that the Word of God is viewed specifically as that, the WORD of GOD. As well, I likewise know their view of Christ as deity is correct and lastly, the view of Faith and grace as the sole means of salvation is spot on.

    The other two? They have nothing to offer that the Word of God (taken literally)doesn’t already show me.


    Now, that all said, let me add one further comment.

    Just last night I was in a used book store (they are not common in Taiwan) and ran across a copy of “The Historical Jesus for Dummies”. This sort of thing always makes me laugh — let’s start our review of a “Historical” figure by first throwing away the reliable source material we have (and the centuries of research poured into them) in favor of the spurious gnostic pieces that were written by heretics who wanted to fashion a Jesus after their own passions and lusts. This makes perfect sense. (I’m dripping with sarcasm here….) If I want to know who robbed the bank, forget the video tapes and the eye witness accounts, let’s start with alternate theories postulated by the mailman who wasn’t there and didn’t see a thing. It’s the same scenario….

    This “Historical Jesus” everyone’s talking about finding — only — exists because they’ve rejected the eyewitness accounts and turned to gnostic heresies long since disputed and discarded as just that. They don’t want Jesus to be God, so they reject scripture and turn to any other source they can which might give them an “idol named Jesus.”

    Thing is…. an idol is an idol, even if you name it “Jesus”. It’s powerless to save and in the end it will condemn your soul to hell (which they likewise don’t want to believe in….) for having bowed to it in rejection of the one true God.

    This “Historical Jesus” that everyone is looking for…. is the legacy of modern liberalism which likewise rejected truth in favor of “asking the mailman who robbed the bank across town.”

  • @JulieMillerFan - Your right the thing is words mean things but some words have been redefined. There are many who claim to worship Jesus but do not know the Savior.

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